Immune System Tricks that Work

Our institute is often faced with lots of clients who have health problems. One general response is perhaps that inflammatory reaction from the body exacerbates their condition, so the HSP70 activation by the EM Pulser 78 often helps. However, if their immune system is not as strong as it was when they were younger (a common issue among older adults), then some other alternative therapies may be helpful. Of course, we are not diagnosing, prescribing, nor offering a cure, but each of these suggestions below have wide support in the health and medical literature. We at IRI have also found personally that they are effective anecdotally.

  • Red Light Therapy

Not only does IRI offer a red LED array in the 630 nm wavelength range but we also supply a small dual red LED set as an accessory for the EM Pulser 78. As seen below in this journal article, red light in that wavelength stimulates the killer T-cells which are the masters of the immune system!

“Light-emitting diode phototherapy at 630 +/- 3 nm increases local levels of skin-homing T-cells in human subjects” Abstract: Red light phototherapy with laser sources has been used successfully for a number of indications. A new generation of quasimonochromatic 630 +/- 3 nm light-emitting diode (LED) systems has recently been yielding good results for the same indications, but no study has examined changes in visible red light irradiated skin at an immunological level. This study was thus designed to examine changes in skin-homing T-cell levels induced in normal human skin by visible red LED energy.[1]

Also, a separate article we reprint for everyone is that “3 minutes of deep red light can improve a person’s vision” based on a recent study.

  • Copper and Silver Contact with Skin is Antimicrobial, Antiviral, and Absorbs into Body

Copper and copper alloys like brass, bronze, and copper-nickel, have long been known to have health benefits-but did you know these metals are naturally antimicrobia1? Some research has even gone so far as to show that copper kills certain viruses on contact. The same holds true for silver and we have collected journal articles showing the synergistic effect of having both in close proximity on the body for example, from Applied Microbiology, 49, p. 191. Therefore, IRI developed a “Tri-Bracelet” with copper, silver, and gold intertwined wires of sufficient gauge to be a nicely brazed single piece in contact with the wrist and about 8” long on the average. Silver and copper ions are thus transferred through the skin on a continuous basis and creating a better internal biome for the person to fight germs. A copper kettle and copper water bottle are other suggestions for ingesting copper ions as needed.

  • Cold Water Therapy

“Outdoor swimming helps reduce inflammation, which is linked to health issues ranging from heart disease to depression. It should be widely adopted as a public health measure,” states an article in New Scientist, Sept. 14, 2022. The author,  Mark Harper is an anaesthetist, researcher and author of Chill: The cold water swim cure. @wildswimdoctor. The important discovery, pioneered by the famous Wim Hoff “The Ice Man”, is that cold water showering (a short one still works, after the hot shower) stimulates the immune system dramatically. Even just putting the face in the cold shower stream directly stimulates the vagus nerve and thereby the parasympathetic nervous system which reduces inflammation. The article online reviews studies with hundreds of people, most of whom continued the practice afterwards for months on end. The temperature of the water needs to be on or below 20C or about 68F or lower, which seems warm but subjectively feels cold for the first 10 seconds, from our personal experience. You will feel stronger afterwards in a mysterious, internal way, which is the immune system talking. It also counteracts anxiety and depression, finds Dr. Mark Harper, in another study.



[1] Takezaki S1, Omi T, Sato S, Kawana S. Author information • 1Department of Dermatology, Nippon Medical School, Sendagi, Tokyo, Japan., J Nippon Med Sch. 2006 Apr;73(2):75-81.