Perspective on Space-Capable vs. Spacefaring Societies by J Pass, COFE4 DOWNLOAD
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As with any academic field, astrosociology allows for an endless number of competing theoretical models and hypotheses. One possible theoretical model is presented that starts with the premise that even the most advanced societies today are extremely far from achieving a spacefaring status. The most advanced nation states are, in fact,
space-capable societies because they have the capacity to send cargo and humans into low Earth orbit and beyond. However, their social structures and cultures lack fundamental characteristics that would allow for their designation as
spacefaring societies. This article describes the characteristics of a theoretical spacefaring society and argues that getting there from our current status as space-capable societies is a long and arduous process, and it is not a definite outcome whatsoever.
space-capable societies because they have the capacity to send cargo and humans into low Earth orbit and beyond. However, their social structures and cultures lack fundamental characteristics that would allow for their designation as
spacefaring societies. This article describes the characteristics of a theoretical spacefaring society and argues that getting there from our current status as space-capable societies is a long and arduous process, and it is not a definite outcome whatsoever.