OsteoPad MaxiMat (54"x14" Single Pad)
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Our new model called the "MaxiMat" works just like the OsteoPad, except that it gives full body coverage as it measures 54 inches (ong and 14 inches wide. If you prefer a portable version, we recommend the MiniMat Following the bone knitting electrotherapy discovery of medical doctors, Bassett, Becker and Pilla and the NASA discoveries
This amazing product comprises the specific, patented signal for resonating with the bone calcium channels to open them for transport across the cell membrane, thus simulating the performance of weight-bearing exercise. Recent research has shown that cartilage is also piezoelectric and that pulsed EMFs, like the MaxiMat signal, can stimulate and restore cartilage ("chondroprotection and chondrogenesis"), as well as reverse osteoarthritis. The MaxiMat signal does the work for you and lets your bones and cartilage absorb calcium and magnesium directly, while you sleep!
If you want Double Pads, See OsteoPad MaxiMat Deluxe
For a Single Pad 18x14 see OsteoPad (single)
Some testimonials:
"I purchased your large Ortho Mat about a month ago. I sleep on it every night. After one week all joint, hip and back minor pains were just about gone. Now they are all gone. Larry M.
"I have finally adjusted my body to the osteo pad . The last four nights I have slept on it for 8-10 hrs. I have also noticed that my body is drawn to the energy source that it creates. The reason I am writing this letter to you is that this weekend I was able to pickup my 5 year old granddaughter and carry her without experiencing any pain at all. I have not been able to pick her up since age two .At this time I am meeting with my doctors to start removing all drugs from my daily routine. I am also working with a physical therapist to strengthen my core. Without the use of the EM Pulser and the OsteoPad to control pain these goals would not have been possible. Note: I have also included Life Extension's bone vitamins, a healthy diet and various other vitamins to help the bones, muscles, joints, and tendons. Thank you for doing what you do" .--Ted S.
Another testimonial""I know the MaxiMat helps restore bone and cartilage but I have also noticed other benefits after using this unique product. After a short period of time it seems to prevent and resolve contractures that occur from not being able to walk. It also helps move fluid in the body. My friend had a chronic ankle injury with cartilage damage and a possible stress fracture on his fibula bone. I would say after 1 week of using it,approximately 10 min each session, he is not limping anymore and claims excellent improvement." -- Avi D.
Another Testimonial
"I hope this email finds you well. I can’t thank you enough for putting such a well designed product available for public use. I’m a combat veteran that came back from war with several musculoskeletal problems and have benefited greatly from both the OsteoPad and the Premier Jr. I no longer take NSAIDS for pain. Your work is nothing short of inspiring." -- Emmanuel E
Our 75 year old Champion Testimonial. She uses the OsteoPad Maxi daily.
"I’m in Utah at The Huntsman Senior Games. Won again today...I’m having so much fun, meeting people from all over. Today’s stats: 11.35 miles 42:35 462’ 16.1 mph
I’ve got my osteopad with me." --Sandy G.Yet another testimonial
"Yes its working. Bones are stronger when using the treadmill So the MaxiMat is allowing me to do exercise where a few months ago the same exercise would put me at high risk to fracture a bone in my feet or legs by just merely walking. Just before I got the MaxiMat I slightly banged my toes on the floor and one toe broke! So far so good. I would never have a chance to walk again if the Osteopad and MaxiMat were not available." --Daniel A.
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